Admin Guide for OKRs

Admins in culture.easy can

  • Set up OKR cycles for the entire company or a team of people.

  • Enable notifications to remind about OKR check-ins and overall progress.

  • Bulk upload OKRs from a google sheet.

Let's see each of them in detail.

Configuring OKR Periods

Configuring OKR Time periods is the starting point to implementing OKRs in culture.easy. Time Periods are nothing but Objective cycles i.e the duration you are setting for your company to achieve the committed Objectives. Usual time periods in a company range from monthly, quarterly to annually.

It is the responsibility of Admins to create Time Periods for users of a company to assign their goals to.

In OKR Time Periods, as an admin, you can perform the below actions

  • Create an Objective Cycle.

  • Set an existing Objective cycle as the current cycle.

  • Lock an Objective cycle to prohibit any further changes.

  • Edit the name, start date, and end date details to extend or advance the objective cycle.

  • Export Data of on OKR cycle.

  • Delete an Objective cycle.

Creating a Time Period

  • An admin settings dropdown opens, Click on Features

  • Select OKRs from the feature tabs

  • Select Time periods from the tabs.

  • Fill in the Name of the Objective cycle, Start date, and end date.

  • Check 'Mark this period as current' if you want this time period to be chosen as the default time period while creating OKRs

Mark a Time Period as current

Marking an OKR Time Period as current makes it the default time period. When users create OKRs, they will be assigned to this Time Period unless users explicitly choose another Time Period.

Lock Period

If you want to prohibit users from making any further changes to the Objectives and Key Results, you should lock the Time Period.

Edit Time Period

If you want to change the name of a Time Period, extend or lessen its duration, you can edit the Time Period.

To edit a Time Period

  • Make the necessary changes.

Export Data

If you need all the OKR data to run any checks or analysis, you can export your OKR cycle data into an XLSX sheet.

Delete Time Period

If any case arises that you do not need a Time Period you have already created, you can delete it at any point in time.

OKR Notifications

As an admin, you can configure the notifications you want to send to users about their OKRs. You can send two types of notifications.

  • Check-in reminders

  • Weekly Progress Summary.

  • Daily Activity Emails

Configure Check-in Reminders

Check-in reminders are sent to individuals who own OKRs in a company, to remind them to check-in their progress of KRs and initiatives.

You can choose on what day you want the notification to be sent, at what time, and your time zone. These are weekly recurring notifications.

To configure Individual Check-in Reminders

  • An admin settings dropdown opens, Click on Features

  • Select OKRs from the feature tabs

  • Select Notifications from the tabs.

  • In Individual Check-in Reminders, Select your preferred day, time, and timezone for when you want these reminders to be sent every week.

Configure Weekly Progress Summary Emails

As an admin, you can notify the entire company about the current status of OKRs through Weekly Summary Emails.

You can configure on what day you want the notification to be sent, at what time, and your time zone similar to Individual Check-in reminders.

Bulk upload of OKRs

Bulk upload gives admin the ability to move OKRs from a spreadsheet to the app with minimal effort, saving time for the employees by not having to add objectives one by one.

You can bulk upload OKRs into culture.easy within no time if you maintain the format of the XSLX sheet according to the sample sheet.

To Bulk Upload OKRs:

  • Make sure the time period you want to add these OKRs to exists.

  • Upload XLSX file with OKRs in the format mentioned in the sample file.

  • Click Upload OKRs.

  • Check for errors in the file and re-upload the corrected file.

  • If no errors persist, Preview the new OKRs.

Last updated

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